How to Set Up and Configure API Gateway on AWS: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigate to API Gateway:

  • Open your web browser and go to the API Gateway service provided by your cloud provider.

Click on Create API button:

  • Look for the "Create API" button on the API Gateway dashboard and click on it.

  • In the API creation wizard, select the type of API you want to create. For this example, select "HTTP API". Then click on the "Build" button to proceed.

Add Integration:

Now, you need to point this route to an already configured backend. Click on the "Add Integration" button.

  • In the integration settings, add the server URL where your backend service is hosted. Also, give your API a name to identify it later.

Define Resource Path:

  • After setting up the integration, define the resource path. This is the URL path where your API will be accessible.

Add Stage Name:

  • Next, add a stage name for your API. The stage represents a specific deployment of your API (e.g., "development", "production", etc.).

Click on Create Button:

  • Once you've configured all the necessary settings, click on the "Create" button. This will create your API with the specified configurations.

Deploy your API:

  • After creating the API, it needs to be deployed to make it accessible. Click on the "Deploy" button.

  • Select the stage that you've created earlier (e.g., "development", "production", etc.) from the dropdown menu.

  • Confirm the deployment by clicking on the "Deploy" button. After deployment you will get dashboard like this

    Access the Dashboard:

    • After deployment, you will be directed to a dashboard where you can manage your API.

    • Here, you can monitor usage, set up custom domains, configure authorizers, etc.

Use the API:

  • To use your API, simply copy the provided endpoint URL (usually displayed on the dashboard or deployment confirmation page) along with your route.

  • Use this URL to make requests to your API. You should receive responses from your backend service accordingly.